Flashback Friday! Belknap County Conservation Districts celebrates 75 years! 9 is the number of farms that have been in the same family between the years of 1916 and 2016! Abbott Farm, in Sanbornton and Tilton; Auger Farm and Shadgaee Farm
June 18 – Land Smoothing
In 1965, Grafton County Soil Conservation District Supervisors demonstrated their new land smoothing equipment. The scraper is used for deep cuts and fills and the land plane smooths it all out. Many farmers stopped by Maurice Naylor’s farm on Benton
June 4 – Forest Fire, Cheshire
With temperatures on the rise and drought conditions continuing to plague our farms and forests, this FLASHBACK FRIDAY we remember the Marlow-Stoddard fire of 1941 – the largest forest fire in NH’s recorded history. Over 27,000 acres in Marlow, Stoddard,